Tag: Azure Cognitive Services

Azure's September Updates - What's New

Azure’s September Updates – What’s New

Azure’s September Updates: Overview

This blog post provides Azure’s September Updates and brief information about each update.

Azure Microsoft has released several major feature updates in September 2023. These updates enhance the performance, security, and usability of Azure services. Here are some of the highlights:

Azure’s September Updates: Synapse Analytics

This update introduces a new query engine that supports both SQL and Spark workloads. The query engine optimizes the execution of complex queries across multiple data sources. It also enables real-time streaming analytics and machine learning integration.

Azure Active Directory

This update adds support for passwordless authentication using biometrics, FIDO2 devices, or phone sign-in. Using passwordless authentication helps to lower the chances of falling victim to phishing attempts or having your login credentials stolen. It also improves the user experience and productivity.

Azure Kubernetes Service

This update enables automatic scaling of node pools based on the workload demand. It also supports Windows Server containers and Azure Arc integration. These features allow users to run hybrid and multi-cloud applications on Azure Kubernetes Service.

Azure Cognitive Services

This update enhances the capabilities of several cognitive services, such as Computer Vision, Speech, and Language Understanding. The update adds new features such as object detection, sentiment analysis, and entity linking. It also improves the accuracy and performance of existing features.

Azure’s September Updates: DevOps

This update introduces a new dashboard that provides a comprehensive view of the development process. The dashboard shows the status of code commits, builds, tests, deployments, and feedback. It also allows users to customize the dashboard with widgets and charts.

These are some of the major feature updates that Azure Microsoft has released in September 2023. For more details, please visit the official Azure blog.

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Azure Cognitive and OpenAI Services

Azure Cognitive & OpenAI Services: Benefits

Azure Cognitive Services & Azure OpenAI: Key Benefits


Azure Cognitive and OpenAI Services are powerful cloud-based services that enable developers and data scientists to build intelligent applications with minimal coding and data science skills. In this blog post, we will explore how these services can benefit enterprises in various domains and scenarios.

Azure Cognitive & OpenAI Services

Moreover, Azure Cognitive Services is a bundle of APIs and SDKs for vision, speech, language, decision, and Azure OpenAI. These services enable seamless integration of various features like image analysis, face recognition, speech transcription, and more. You can use these services through REST APIs or client libraries in popular development languages.

Furthermore, Azure Open AI is a new service that provides access to the powerful GPT-3 language model from OpenAI. GPT-3 is a deep learning system that can generate natural language text on any topic, given some input. You can use Azure Open AI service to create conversational agents, generate summaries, write content, answer questions, and more.

Key Benefits

Some of the benefits of using Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Open AI service for enterprises, you can:

  • Accelerate your digital transformation by adding AI capabilities to your existing applications or creating new ones with minimal effort and cost.
  • Leverage the latest AI research and innovation from Microsoft and OpenAI without having to build and maintain your own models and infrastructure.
  • Deploy your AI solutions anywhere from the cloud to the edge with containers, ensuring scalability, security, and compliance.
  • Empower responsible use of AI with industry-leading tools and guidelines that help you protect user privacy and data sovereignty.

Latest Update

Additionally, the Azure OpenAI Service has recently become available in the UK South region, with gpt-35-turbo being supported upon launch. These services, coupled with Azure Cognitive Services, are formidable tools that can enable the development of intelligent applications capable of visual perception, auditory recognition, speech generation, language comprehension, and natural language text generation. Utilizing them can significantly enhance your application’s capabilities.

Take the Next Step: Embrace the Power of Cloud Services

Ready to take your organization to the next level with cloud services? Our team of experts can help you navigate the cloud landscape and find the solutions that best meet your needs. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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