Category: Azure – June 2023

Amazon Elastic Container Service

Amazon Elastic Container Service: What’s New

Explore the Latest Advancements in Amazon Elastic Container Service

Amazon Elastic Container Service: Introduction

In the dynamic world of cloud computing, staying at the forefront of technology is essential. Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) has been revolutionizing container orchestration, offering developers an efficient and scalable platform. In June 2023, Amazon ECS introduced several exciting features and improvements, enhancing its capabilities and empowering developers to streamline their containerized applications. Let’s delve into the latest advancements and understand how the new release helps in building and managing containerized environments.

What’s New in Amazon Elastic Container Service?

Enhanced Scalability and Performance

Amazon ECS has always been known for its scalability, and the June 2023 update takes it a step further. The latest release introduces an enhanced scaling engine that optimizes the management of container instances. It leverages advanced algorithms to scale up or down based on workload demands, ensuring optimal resource utilization and cost efficiency. This feature enables developers to handle sudden traffic spikes and effectively manage workloads in a highly dynamic environment.

Improved Application Monitoring and Insights

Monitoring and gaining insights into containerized applications are vital for efficient management. The June update of Amazon ECS introduces new monitoring capabilities, allowing developers to collect and analyze essential metrics through Amazon CloudWatch. With this enhanced monitoring, developers can track resource utilization, and application performance, and set alarms to detect anomalies. These insights enable proactive troubleshooting and better decision-making, ultimately leading to improved application performance and user experience.

Enhanced Security and Compliance

Security is of paramount importance in any cloud infrastructure. Amazon ECS understands this and has introduced new security features in the June update. Enhanced integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) now allows developers to define granular permissions for container instances, tasks, and services. This ensures that only authorized personnel can access and modify critical resources, enhancing the overall security posture of containerized applications. Additionally, the update introduces automatic encryption at rest for container images, adding an extra layer of protection to sensitive data.

Simplified Application Deployment

Deploying containerized applications can sometimes be a complex process. However, Amazon ECS aims to simplify this aspect for developers. The latest release introduces a new deployment wizard that guides users through the process, making it more intuitive and hassle-free. With this wizard, developers can define deployment strategies, manage rollbacks, and automate application updates. This simplification of the deployment process enables faster time to market and enhances developer productivity.

Enhanced Integration and Extensibility

Integration with other AWS services is crucial for building comprehensive and scalable applications. Amazon ECS has introduced enhanced integrations with AWS Fargate, AWS App Mesh, and AWS PrivateLink in the June update. These integrations give developers more flexibility in configuring networking, managing microservices, and securely accessing containerized applications. Furthermore, the update also includes expanded support for popular container orchestrators like Kubernetes, empowering developers with additional options and flexibility.

Amazon Elastic Container Service: Conclusion

Amazon (ECS) continues to evolve and provide developers with powerful tools to build, deploy, and manage containerized applications at scale. The June 2023 update brings several new features and improvements that enhance scalability, security, monitoring, deployment, and integration capabilities. With these advancements, developers can optimize resource utilization, gain better insights into application performance, enhance security, simplify deployment, and seamlessly integrate with other AWS services. By leveraging these new features, developers can unlock the true potential of containerization and deliver robust and scalable applications in a rapidly changing cloud landscape.

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Azure OpenAI Service

Azure OpenAI Service: Key Benefits and Features

Azure OpenAI Service: A Powerful Platform for Building AI Solutions


Artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionizes industries worldwide. However, AI development can be challenging for businesses lacking expertise, resources, or infrastructure. That’s where the Azure OpenAI Service comes in.

It’s a cloud-based platform enabling easy building, training, and deployment of AI models using OpenAI’s cutting-edge technology. With Azure OpenAI Service, access powerful AI capabilities like natural language processing, computer vision, speech recognition, and generative models, worry-free.

Features and Benefits

The Service offers several advantages:

  • Pre-trained models: Access various pre-trained models for tasks like text summarization, sentiment analysis, and image captioning. Use them as-is or fine-tune to your needs.
  • Custom models: Create custom models with OpenAI Codex, generating code, text, images, and more from natural language inputs. Build apps, websites, games, with minimal effort.
  • Scalable and secure infrastructure: Runs on Azure cloud, ensuring scalable and secure AI projects. Easily adjust compute and storage resources while benefiting from Azure’s reliability and security.
  • Integration and collaboration: Seamlessly integrates with Azure Machine Learning, Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Data Factory, and Visual Studio Code. Collaborate via the web-based OpenAI Playground, experimenting and sharing results.

Azure OpenAI Service: Preview Mode

It is currently in preview mode and is available by invitation only. If you are interested in trying out this service, you can request access here:

It is a powerful platform for building AI solutions that can help you solve your business problems and achieve your goals. Whether you want to enhance your customer experience, optimize your operations, or innovate your products and services, it can help you do it faster and easier than ever before.

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Streamlining Data Transformation: Azure Data Explorer's New DropMappedField Feature

DropMappedField in Azure Data Explorer: New Feature

Improving Data Analysis Efficiency with DropMappedField in Azure Data Explorer

DropMappedField in Azure Data Explorer: Overview

This blog post explains what DropMappedField is in Azure Data Explorer, its key features, and advantages.

DropMappedField is a data mapping transformation enabling JSON object-to-column mapping and removal of nested fields referenced by other mappings. This simplifies data ingestion, reduces storage consumption, and enhances query performance.

Key Features

Azure Data Explorer is a powerful data analytics service that allows ingestion, storage, and querying of massive volumes of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. It excels in ingesting diverse data sources and formats like JSON, CSV, Parquet, Avro, and more.

However, not all data formats are equally suitable for analysis. For example, JSON documents can have complex nested structures that make it hard to extract the relevant information and organize it into columns. To solve this problem, Azure Data Explorer provides data mappings, which are rules that define how to transform the ingested data into a tabular format.

In addition, Azure Data Explorer supports the data mapping transformation called DropMappedField. This transformation empowers you to map an object in a JSON document to a column and remove any nested fields that other column mappings reference. For example, consider the following JSON document:

  "name": "Alice",
  "age": 25,
  "address": {
    "city": "Seattle",
    "state": "WA",
    "zip": 98101

If you want to map this document to a table with four columns: name, age, city, and state, you can use the following data mapping:

.create table MyTable (name: string, age: int, city: string, state: string)
.create table MyTable ingestion json mapping 'MyMapping' '[{"column":"name","path":"$.name"},{"column":"age","path":"$.age"},{"column":"city","path":"$"},{"column":"state","path":"$.address.state"},{"column":"address","path":"$.address","transform":"DropMappedField"}]'

Notice that the last column mapping employs the DropMappedField transformation. It maps the address object to a column and removes the city and state fields, already mapped to other columns. This approach prevents data duplication and conserves storage space.

Advantages of DropMappedField

The DropMappedField transformation offers several advantages:

  • It simplifies data ingestion by enabling mapping of complex JSON objects to columns without specifying each nested field.
  • Reduces storage consumption by eliminating redundant data unnecessary for analysis.
  • Improves query performance by reducing the number of columns and fields that require scanning.

Microsoft Fabric’s Real-Time Analytics incorporates the DropMappedField transformation as a feature. The platform supports analysis and ingestion of streaming data from diverse sources like web apps, social media, and IoT devices.

Conclusion: DropMappedField in Azure Data Explorer

DropMappedField is a valuable feature for optimizing data ingestion and analysis in Azure Data Explorer. Efficiently mapping JSON objects to columns and eliminating redundant nested fields is a highly effective method. This approach drastically reduces the time, effort, and resources required to handle even the most complex and extensive JSON data.

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Azure HX Virtual Machines

Azure HX Virtual Machines for HPC

Introducing Azure HX Virtual Machines for High-Performance Computing (HPC)

Azure HX VMs: Overview

Azure HX Virtual Machines for HPC are a new series of VMs designed for high-performance computing (HPC) workloads. They offer high CPU performance, large memory capacity, and fast interconnects for parallel and distributed applications. Azure HX VMs are ideal for applications that require high compute density, memory bandwidth, and storage throughput, such as big data analytics, scientific computing, and video processing.


Some of the capabilities of Azure HX VMs are:

  • Processors are built on the 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable platform (Ice Lake), offering up to 40 cores and 80 threads per socket. They also support AVX-512 instructions to boost vector operations.
  • Each virtual machine is equipped with a maximum of 512 GB RAM and a local NVMe SSD storage capacity of up to 4 TB, ensuring speedy data retrieval.
  • Mellanox ConnectX-6 Dx adapters use RoCE v2 for fast communication between virtual machines.
  • Integrated with Azure CycleCloud, simplifying the deployment and management of HPC clusters on Azure.
  • Compatible with various HPC software and frameworks, such as MPI, OpenMP, CUDA, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and more.

Azure HX VM Scenarios

You can use Azure HX VMs for various HPC scenarios, such as:

  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) involves simulating the flow of fluids and gases in complex systems, such as aircraft, cars, turbines, etc.
  • Computational chemistry involves modeling the structure and behavior of molecules and materials at the atomic level, such as drug discovery, catalysis, etc.
  • Computational biology involves analyzing large-scale biological data, such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, etc.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) involve training and running complex neural networks and algorithms for tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, recommendation systems, etc.


Azure HX VMs are a powerful and flexible solution for running HPC workloads on Azure. They provide high performance, scalability, and reliability for a wide range of applications. Currently, Azure HX VMs are offering a preview in select regions. However, these are generally available in East US region.

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Azure Cognitive and OpenAI Services

Azure Cognitive & OpenAI Services: Benefits

Azure Cognitive Services & Azure OpenAI: Key Benefits


Azure Cognitive and OpenAI Services are powerful cloud-based services that enable developers and data scientists to build intelligent applications with minimal coding and data science skills. In this blog post, we will explore how these services can benefit enterprises in various domains and scenarios.

Azure Cognitive & OpenAI Services

Moreover, Azure Cognitive Services is a bundle of APIs and SDKs for vision, speech, language, decision, and Azure OpenAI. These services enable seamless integration of various features like image analysis, face recognition, speech transcription, and more. You can use these services through REST APIs or client libraries in popular development languages.

Furthermore, Azure Open AI is a new service that provides access to the powerful GPT-3 language model from OpenAI. GPT-3 is a deep learning system that can generate natural language text on any topic, given some input. You can use Azure Open AI service to create conversational agents, generate summaries, write content, answer questions, and more.

Key Benefits

Some of the benefits of using Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Open AI service for enterprises, you can:

  • Accelerate your digital transformation by adding AI capabilities to your existing applications or creating new ones with minimal effort and cost.
  • Leverage the latest AI research and innovation from Microsoft and OpenAI without having to build and maintain your own models and infrastructure.
  • Deploy your AI solutions anywhere from the cloud to the edge with containers, ensuring scalability, security, and compliance.
  • Empower responsible use of AI with industry-leading tools and guidelines that help you protect user privacy and data sovereignty.

Latest Update

Additionally, the Azure OpenAI Service has recently become available in the UK South region, with gpt-35-turbo being supported upon launch. These services, coupled with Azure Cognitive Services, are formidable tools that can enable the development of intelligent applications capable of visual perception, auditory recognition, speech generation, language comprehension, and natural language text generation. Utilizing them can significantly enhance your application’s capabilities.

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Ready to take your organization to the next level with cloud services? Our team of experts can help you navigate the cloud landscape and find the solutions that best meet your needs. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

Azure Blob Storage SDK Features

Azure Blob Storage SDK: Overview & Main Features

Demystifying the Main Features of Azure Blob Storage SDK


If you need to store and access a considerable amount of unstructured data, Azure Blob Storage is the perfect solution. Azure Blob Storage SDK is a set of libraries that enable you to interact with Azure Blob Storage programmatically using various languages and platforms.

Azure Blob Storage SDK Features

In this blog post, we will explain the main features and how it can help you simplify your development process and optimize your performance.

Data Protection and Encryption

Supports data protection and encryption features that help you secure your data at rest and in transit. You can use client-side encryption to encrypt your data before sending it to Azure Blob Storage using your encryption keys. Secure your data using either Microsoft-managed or customer-managed keys for encryption. Additionally, you can use Azure Key Vault to store and manage your encryption keys securely.

Data Movement and Performance Optimization

Offers secure data transfer with optimized performance. To expedite your data transfer, try utilizing parallel uploads and downloads. This involves dividing your data into several parts and sending them simultaneously. Additionally, you can utilize resumable uploads and downloads to pick up where you left off in the event of network disruptions. To further minimize bandwidth usage, consider using incremental snapshots and differential downloads which only transfer changes since the last snapshot.

Data Analysis and Processing

You can benefit from various data analysis and processing tools to extract valuable insights from your data and perform necessary transformations. Use query acceleration to run SQL queries directly on your blobs without having to download or process them first. Also, use the change feed to track the changes made to your blobs over time and trigger actions based on them. Moreover, you can use blob index tags to add metadata to your blobs and filter them based on custom criteria.

Azure Blob Storage SDK: Conclusion

In summary, Azure Blob Storage SDK is a powerful and flexible tool that enables you to work with Azure Blob Storage in various languages and platforms. It provides a rich set of features and options that allow you to customize your storage operations according to your needs and preferences.

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Azure Blob Storage SDK Benefits

Azure Blob Storage SDK Benefits: Explained

Unlocking the Power of Azure Blob Storage SDK Benefits for Your Business

Azure Blob Storage SDK Benefits: Overview

Azure Blob Storage is a cloud service that allows you to store large amounts of unstructured data, such as images, videos, documents, and logs. You can access your data from anywhere using HTTP or HTTPS protocols, and you can manage your data using the Azure portal, Azure CLI, PowerShell, or REST APIs.

What if you want to interact with your data programmatically using your preferred programming language? That’s where the Azure Blob Storage SDK benefits come in. The SDK library provides a convenient and consistent way to perform common operations on blobs, such as creating, deleting, uploading, downloading, copying, and listing.

In this article, we will explore some of the key benefits of the Azure Blob Storage SDK and how it can help you simplify your development process and optimize your performance.

Azure Blob Storage SDK Benefits

Support for Multiple Languages and Platforms

The Azure Blob Storage SDK supports various languages and platforms, such as .NET, Java, Python, Node.js, Go, Ruby, PHP, and C++. This means you can use the SDK with your existing code base and tools, and you can leverage the features and libraries of your chosen language. You can also use the SDK across different operating systems and environments, such as Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, and web browsers.

Consistent and Intuitive API Design

The Azure Blob Storage SDK follows a consistent and intuitive API design across all languages and platforms. The SDK uses object-oriented concepts to model the blob storage hierarchy, such as containers, blobs, and leases. The SDK also provides methods and properties that correspond to the REST API operations and parameters. For example, you can use the `Create` method to create a container or a blob, the `Delete` method to delete a container or a blob, the `Upload` method to upload data to a blob, and the `Download` method to download data from a blob.

High-level Abstractions and Convenience Methods

The Azure Blob Storage SDK also provides high-level abstractions and convenience methods that simplify common tasks and scenarios. For example, you can use the `BlobClient` class to perform operations on a single blob without having to specify the container name or the blob name every time. You can also use the `BlobServiceClient` class to perform operations on the entire blob service without having to create individual clients for each container or blob.

The SDK also offers convenience methods that handle complex or multipart operations for you. For example, you can use the `UploadFromUri` method to copy data from one blob to another in a single call, or you can use the `UploadFromStream` method to upload data from a stream source without having to specify the blob size or type.


The Azure Blob Storage SDK is a powerful and versatile tool that enables you to work with your blob data programmatically using your preferred language and platform. The SDK offers many benefits and features that can help you simplify your development process, optimize your performance, secure your data, and analyze your data. You can start with the SDK by following the documentation and samples for your language and platform of choice.

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